New Law on Cookies (Cookie Law)

There is a new law coming into effect on 26 May relating to website privacy and effecting some UK websites.

Nearly all websites use Cookies which puts information into people’s browsers when visiting a site. These cookies are used for remembering log in details, preferences, analytics and targeted advertising etc.

The new law means that some UK websites (doesn’t impact ecommerce or other circumstances where it’s a *required* facility) must obtain consent from visitors to share or retrieve any information using cookies on a computer, smartphone or any web based connection. This is to enable users to be aware that information about them is being collected by websites they visit and gives them the chance to choose to whether or not they wish to do this.

As a website owner/designer you will need to be compliant with the new law or you will run the risk of a substantial fine and law enforcement. So if your website is using techniques for storing information about the users it will need to be updated to comply with the new law.

You can find the full details and guidance from the Information Commissioners’ Office (a UK independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest)

If you are worried about your website and the compliance please contact us and we will do our best to steer you through this.

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