Tag: doRrepublican

Another 17 newGTLDs Now Available .church .cooking .country .fishing .guide .horse .host .life .loans .press .republican .rodeo .vodka .website .xn--55qx5d .xn--io0a7i .yokohama

Starting from today additional Domain Names are able to be registered in targeted/specific newGTLDs (Global Top Level Domains) under General Availability. Today sees the general availability of the newGTLDs: .church .cooking .country .fishing .guide .horse .host .life .loans .press .republican .rodeo .vodka .website .xn--55qx5d .xn--io0a7i .yokohama with more than 1000 more coming out during 2014’s …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.astutium.com/2014/09/another-17-newgtlds-now-available-church-cooking-country-fishing-guide-horse-host-life-loans-press-republican-rodeo-vagas-vodka-website-xn-55qx5d-xn-io0a7i-yokohama/